about big
john's garden

       Big John's Garden wants to provide you with the very best certified organic garlic and shallots, both to eat and plant. Great care has been taken to insure that you will be very satisfied using these products for either purpose.

Big John next to the Garden with his brand new sign.

       Big John (with assistance from family and friends) has been growing vegetables on the WC Ranch near Merrill for the past 35 years - attempting to fool Mother Nature at every opportunity - sometimes with success and sometimes not. No fooling is necessary with garlic and onion crops. They are all very well suited to the climate and soil in the Klamath Basin. That's why they're Big John's favorites.

       Big John tricks her in the winter by virtue of his greenhouse that produces delicious tomatoes, chard, celery, cucumbers and other stuff year-around. The greenhouse has large heated soil beds where hot water is circulated. His interest in "greenhousing" has led him to become active in the Hobby Greenhouse Association (www.hobbygreenhouse.org), a national organization dedicated to greenhouse education, where he serves as Treasurer.

Big John in his Greenhouse

       Winters here can be cold and it is extremely satisfying to be able to plant something in the ground in the fall, leave it alone, see it break through during a warm spell in February, and know all along that no amount of cold (spring frosts!) or snow will hurt it! Moreover, it thrives and is ready to harvest early in the season.

Garlic growing midsummer, nearly ready to harvest.

       And, they are all great "keepers" - they are easy to store - enjoy their freshness for several months after the harvest and feel proud of your good work.

       Big John hopes you will share his passion for these wonderful products!

       Please feel free to contact him at john@bigjohnsgarden.com.

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